Reading Level: Flesch-Kincaid Index 4.9
Teachers: Here are some resources and ideas to help you teach this book...
Web Resources:
- Scholastic : This link takes you to Scholastic's page for Walk Two Moons. In the top right box labeled "resources" you will find a discussion guide, writing prompts, extension activities and a lesson plan.
- Discussion Questions: Here are some more discussion questions to help with this book.
- Study Guide: This study guide includes everything you need to teach this novel... character lists, synopsis, teaching ideas and more (for the teacher) and activities, connections, tests and more (for the students)
Vocabulary: Here are some words that may need to be pretaught: ornery, lunatic, omnipotent, remarkable, ruination, damsel, diabolic, pandemonium, shrapnel, agenda, aspen, malevolent, cantankerous, warble, malinger, muesli, console, amnesia, miscellaneous, cholesterol, unadulterated, peculiar, besieging, omnipotent, geyser, disuade
Before Reading: Have you ever been on a road trip? What do you imagine a road trip would be like? Write a few paragraphs in your journal explaining what your road trip was like or what you think a road trip would be like.
During Reading: Make a flow chart marking important points of Phoebe and Sal's separate stories. Make note when their stories intertwine with the same events.
After Reading: Sal tells us at the end of the story that Phoebe, Ben, Mrs. Cadaver, Mrs. Partridge and maybe Mr. Birkway are coming to visit. Write an entry in your journal describing one of the following:
- the preparations for the drive to Sal's
- the car ride to Sal's house
- the visit at Sal's house
Across the Curriculum: This book could be used in geography. Try mapping out the journey Sal and her grandparents took to get to Idaho.
Creech, S. (1994). Walk two moons . New York: HarperCollins.
1995 Newbery Medal Winner
Happy Reading (& Running) =)