In typical Judy Moody fashion, this hilarious story by Megan McDonald (illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds) will keep you laughing and wondering, what's next? In Judy Moody Goes to College, Judy's Moody's mat-i-tude with her substitute teacher lands her with a college tutor. Judy thinks tutoring will mean baby things like flashcards and counting. Instead, Judy meets a college student named Chloe who is 'the bomb' and Judy starts to think that most of her 3rd grade life is 'old skool.' Judy doesn't only work on her math in college, but she works on her attitude as well and ends up with much more of a glad-i-tude. You will find yourself asking for more Judy Moody when you finish this book.
Teachers... here are some resources and activities to help you teach this book...
Web Resources:
- Math Activities: Improve your class's math-i-tude with these math activities that connect directly to Judy Moody Goes to College.
- More Judy!: If your students LOVE Judy, here is a teacher's guide to the Judy Moody series with ideas that go along with other Judy Moody books.
- Even More Judy: Here are even more activities and information about the Judy Moody series.
Vocabulary: These words may need to be pretaught: tarentella, hogshead, tutor, crucial, sashay, maniac, attitude, latitude, peace, yoga, psycho, philosophy, navel, gratitude, honorable mention
Before Reading: Discussion Questions: Why do you think Judy Moody is going to college? What do you think college is like? If you were Judy Moody what would you expect your first time going to college?
During Reading: What are some slang words that you may use? Do you use any of the words Judy learns while she is at college with Chloe? Make a list of slang words you use as well as a list of words Judy uses and what they mean.
After Reading/Writing:
- Make a list of pros and cons for college and elementary school.
- Write a letter to Chloe asking any questions you might have about college that weren't answered in this book.
Check out the Math Link (also above) and let Judy Moody help improve the math-i-tude of your class!
McDonald, M. (2008). Judy Moody goes to college . Cambridge, Mass.: Candlewick Press.