Today's link up is all about who you are... I just linked up with a similar linky last week, so this week I'll be brief.
Okay so who am I?
I'm a wife, a runner, a sister, a mama (to my pup), a daughter, a teacher.
My hubby and I have been married for almost a year, but we've known each other since I was 11! I am so lucky to have him in my life, he surely has my heart for life.
I ran competitively from middle school through college. This blog's name came from my running addiction and even though there have been some "times off" of running, it's in my veins and the only time I feel 100% myself is when I'm running faithfully.
I only have one sibling, a sister who is 4 years younger than me. We are pretty much polar opposites. I'm very type A always have to have things organized and figured out. My sister is an artist who is very free-spirited and let's life happen. Sometimes I am very envious that she is so creative and free.
Mama to this cute pup.
Love sharing pics of our baby... Bogey!
My parents are super important to me. My mom is a paraprofessional, this year will be her 16th year. She and my dad were always so supportive of my dream to become a teacher and have helped me every step of the way.
I've wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember and I simply can't imagine doing anything else. As hard as it is some days and as much as I think sometimes I can't take one more second of the stress, I would never ever do anything else. Maybe someday I'll get my certification to be a reading consultant, but that's as far away from a classroom full of kiddos that I can see myself.
Be sure to check out the link-up to meet other teacher-bloggers.
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