Reading Level: DRA 34
Flesch-Kincaid 4.8
Fountus and Pinnell: O
Teachers... Here are some resources for you to use...
Web Resources:
- BeverlyCleary.com: Meet Henry and all of Beverly Cleary's character's.
- Unit Plan: Here you will find a very detailed Unit using Henry Huggins. Included are vocab and chapter quizzes, journal pages and much more. Pick and choose what you might want to use with your class.
Vocabulary: accusingly, vacant, guppy, anxious, coax, mongrel, talcum
Before Reading: Ask students to respond to the following prompt: What do you need to do to take care of a dog?
During Reading: Discuss: What are some ways that Ribsy has changed Henry's life? Would certain events happened without Risby's presence?
After Reading: Ask students to respond to the following prompt: Who do you think should have gotten to keep Ribsy and why? Was it fair how they decided who would keep him?
Cleary, B. (1950). Henry Huggins;. New York: Morrow.
Happy Reading (& Running) =)